秋山孝最新情報 |
up date:2008.10.22
TOP NEWS 23 2008年02月 -- 06月
Design / Brochure Andersen Park
[Date of Works]----------- 2008.05.08
[Client] --------- Funabashi Park Association
[Illustration / Design] ---------- Takashi Akiyama
デザイン/小冊子 ふなばしアンデルセン公園
[制作日]----------- 2008.05.08
[クライアント] --------- 財団法人船橋市公園協会
[イラストレーション/デザイン] ---------- 秋山孝
[Update] --------- 090126 / nakazato
Jury / Visa olympic of imagination
[Theme]--------- One World, One Dream
[Date of jury]-----------2008.04.19(1st), 04.22(final)
[Organizer] --------- The Yomiuri Shimbun, Visa International Asia Pacific Ltd
[Support] --------- Ministry of Education,Culture,Sports,Science and Technology(MEXT), The Japanese Olympic Committee, Olympians Association of Japan, Zenkoku Zoukei Kyouiku Renmai
[Hall of Award ceremony]---------- Shibuya Excel Hotel Tokyu (Tokyo)
審査/ビザ・オリンピック・オブ・イマジネーション オリンピックの絵を描いて、北京へ行こう!
[テーマ]--------- One World, One Dream 〜ひとつの世界、ひとつの夢
[主催] --------- 読売新聞、ビザインターナショナルアジアパシフィックリミテッド
[後援] --------- 文部科学省、財団法人オリンピック委員会、日本オリンピアンズ協会、全国造形教育連盟
[表彰式場] --------- 渋谷 エクセルホテル東急(東京)
[コメント] --------- 絵にはインターナショナルな共通言語としての力がある、ということを強く感じました。ビザ・インターナショナル賞の作品は、平和の象徴として世界に通じる鳩を印象的に描いていて、
北京オリンピックのスローガンである、「ひとつの世界、ひとつの夢」というメッセージが感じられました。秋山 孝
[Update]-------- 081203 / nakazato / check
Taiwan International Poster Design Award 2007
[Title]----------Taiwan International Poster Design Award 2007
[Organizer] ---------China Productivity Center
[Co-sponsor] ---Graphic Design Association of Taiwan(GDA-Taiwan) , Taiwan Graphic Design Association(T GDA) ,
Taiwan Poster Design Association(T PDA) , Kaohsiung Creators Association(K CA)
Illustration Posters in China - Korea - Japan
Message Illustration Poster
Participation Certificate
[Update]-------- 080611 / nakazato / check
[Sozai]2008nakazatofolder_台湾ポスターアワード07展 /
Participation Exhibition (International / Shanghai,China) : Eco x Design / Japanese Eco Goods Designed By 300 Designers And Artists
[Title]----------Eco x Design / Japanese Eco Goods Designed By 300 Designers And Artists
[Date]-----------2008.04.30 - 06.05
[Place]----------Songjiang Art Museum(Shanghai / China)
[Organizer] ---------Songjiang Art Museum
[Co-sponsor] ---Recruit Co.,Ltd.
[Date]-----------2008.04.30 - 06.05
[Place]----------松江美術館(上海 / 中国)
[Organizer] ---------松江美術館
[Co-sponsor] ---株式会社リクルート
Songjiang Art Museum(Shanghai / China)
A4 Leaflet
[Update]-------- 080611 / 080613 / nakazato / check
[Sozai]2008nakazatofolder_日本環保設計展 /
Publication (Shanghai,China)
[Theme]---------Publication / About "Eco x Design : Japanese Eco Goods Designed By 300 Designers And Artists" Exhibition
[Magazin Title]---------- "Shanghai Art & Crafts "
[Theme]---------雑誌掲載/展覧会"Eco x Design / Japanese Eco Goods Designed By 300 Designers And Artists "の特集として
[Magazin Title]----------"上海工芸美術"

[Update]-------- 080611 / nakazato / check
[Sozai]2008nakazatofolder_日本環保設計展 /
Publication (International / Shanghai,China)
[Theme]---------Publication / About "Eco x Design : Japanese Eco Goods Designed By 300 Designers And Artists" Exhibition
[Magazin Title]---------- "Duzhe"
[Theme]---------雑誌掲載/展覧会"Eco x Design / Japanese Eco Goods Designed By 300 Designers And Artists "の特集として
[Magazin Title]----------"Duzhe"
[Update]-------- 080611 / nakazato / check
[Sozai]2008nakazatofolder_日本環保設計展 /
Design / Catalog (Tama Art University 2009)
[Theme]---------Catalog (Works of graduate of Tama Art University)
[Title]---------- "Tama Art University 2009"
[Issue] ---------Illustration Studies・Tama Art University
[Idea] -----------The thinking hand. / Back and palm of the hand. (Artery and vein)
[Design] ---------Takashi AKIYAMA
[Title]----------"Tama Art University 2009"
[Issue] ---------Illustration Studies・Tama Art University
[Idea] -----------考える手・表裏(動脈と静脈)
[Design] ---------秋山孝
[Update]-------- 080423 / nakazato / check
[Sozai]2008nakazatofolder_080423folder /
Exhibition / 21 International Poster Biennale
[Theme]---------Exhibition / 21 International Poster Biennale
[Title]----------"21 International Poster Biennale"
[Date]-----------2008.06.07 -
[Place]----------The Poster Museum at Wilanow,Department of National Museum in Warsaw Polish Poster Museum
[Organizer] ---------The Poster Museum at Wilanow,Department of National Museum in Warsaw Polish Poster Museum
[Date]-----------2008.06.07 -
[Place]----------The Poster Museum at Wilanow,Department of National Museum in Warsaw Polish Poster Museum
[Organizer] ---------The Poster Museum at Wilanow,Department of National Museum in Warsaw Polish Poster Museum
Notice Card
Illustration Posters in China - Korea - Japan |
Message Illustration Poster |
Takashi Akiyama in Ginza Humor Illustration Poster |
[Update]-------- 081022 / nakazato / check
Publication of Book / Interview of "Basis of illustration"
[Theme]---------Interview of "Basis of illustration"
[Book Title]----------"About advertisement "
[Date of issue]-----------2008.03.30 / First printing
[Technique]------ Size:155×217mm, 144page
[Publishing company] ---------Holp Shuppan, Publishers
[Editorial staff]--------- Vit international
[Book Title]----------「知りたい!なりたい!職業ガイド 広告制作にかかわる仕事」
[Date of issue]-----------2008.03.30 第一刷
[Technique]------ Size:155×217mm, 144ページ
[Publishing company] ---------株式会社 ほるぷ出版
[Editorial staff]---------ヴィットインターナショナル企画室
[掲載ページ]--------- p106 - p115

Cover Design
[Update] --------- 080530 / nakazato / check
Publication / Illustration Studies - 26 Report " The Takeo Poster Collection / Best Selection 01-06 "
[Theme]---------"Report" The Takeo Poster Collection / Best Selection 01-06
[Title]---------- Illustration Studies - 26 Report " The Takeo Poster Collection / Best Selection 01-06 "
[Issue] ---------Illustration Studies・Tama Art University
[Idea] -----------
[Design] ---------Takashi AKIYAMA
出版/ Illustration Studies - 26 共同研究報告書「竹尾ポスターコレクション・Best Selection 01-06」
[Theme]---------共同研究報告書「竹尾ポスターコレクション・Best Selection 01-06」
[Title]----------Illustration Studies 23 共同研究報告書「竹尾ポスターコレクション・Best Selection 01-06」
[Issue] ---------Illustration Studies・Tama Art University
[Idea] -----------
[Design] ---------秋山孝
[Update]-------- 080527 / nakazato
Design / Catalog
[Title]----------"Graduation Works Tama Art University Textile Design 2008"
[Client] ---------Tama Art University Textile Design Department
[Theme]---------Catalog of "Graduation Works Tama Art University Textile Design 2008"
[Catalog Design] ---- Takashi AKIYAMA Studio
[Cover Design] ---- Moeko IMAUJI
[Title]----------「2008年 多摩美術大学 美術学部 生産デザイン学科 テキスタイルデザイン専攻 卒業制作作品集」
[Client] ---------多摩美術大学 美術学部 生産デザイン学科 テキスタイルデザイン研究室
[Theme]---------2008年 多摩美術大学 美術学部 生産デザイン学科 テキスタイルデザイン専攻の卒業制作作品集
[Catalog Design] ---- 秋山孝事務所
[Cover Design] ---- 今氏' 萌子
[Update]-------- 080527 / nakazato
Book Jacket Illustration
[Book Title]----------"Mother Teresa"
[Client] ---------PHP Laboratory
[Category]-------Book Jacket illustration
[Theme]---------Book Jacket illustration of "Mother Teresa"
[Idea] -----------The fruit of SILENCE is Prayer. The fruit of PRAYER is Faith. The fruit of FAITH is Love.
The fruit of LOVE is Service. The fruit of SERVICE is Peace.
[Cover Illustration] ---------Takashi AKIYAMA
[Cover Design] ---------Jun Ishima
[Book Title]----------「マザー・テレサ」
[Client] ---------PHP研究所
[Idea] -----------静けさの果実は祈り。祈りの果実は信仰。信仰の果実は愛。愛の果実は奉仕。奉仕の果実は平和。
[Cover Illustration] ---------秋山孝
[Cover Design] ---------石間淳
[Update] --------- 080523 / nakazato / check
Publication / Illustration Studies - 23 " Dssin "
[Theme]---------"Student's works" book
[Title]---------- "Illustration Studies-23 / Dssin"
[Issue] ---------Illustration Studies・Tama Art University
[Idea] -----------The thinking hand. / Back and palm of the hand. (Artery and vein)
[Design] ---------Takashi AKIYAMA
出版/ Illustration Studies - 23 " デッサン "
[Title]----------"Illustration Studies-23 / デッサン"
[Issue] ---------Illustration Studies・Tama Art University
[Idea] -----------考える手・表裏(動脈と静脈)
[Design] ---------秋山孝
Publication / Illustration Studies - 24
[Theme]---------Report of Illustration Studies
[Title]---------- "Illustration Studies-24"
[Issue] ---------Illustration Studies・Tama Art University
[Design] ---------Takashi AKIYAMA
[Idea] -----------Bomb of message illustration is beeing dropped.
出版/ Illustration Studies - 24
[Title]----------"Illustration Studies-24"
[Issue] ---------Illustration Studies・Tama Art University
[Design] ---------秋山孝
[Idea] -----------メッセージ・イラストレーションの爆弾が落とされている
Publication / Illustration Studies - 25 Report " Illustration Posters in China・Korea・Japan "
[Theme]---------"Report" Illustration Posters in China・Korea・Japan
[Title]---------- Illustration Studies - 25 " Report Illustration Posters in China・Korea・Japan "
[Issue] ---------Illustration Studies・Tama Art University
[Design] ---------Takashi AKIYAMA
[Idea] -----------The swimming carps that represent East Asia and its beauty.
Each of them has a map of an own country,Japan,China and S-Korea on its back.
出版/ Illustration Studies - 25 共同研究報告書「東方のイラストレーションポスター展 中国・韓国・日本」
[Theme]---------共同研究報告書「東方のイラストレーションポスター展 中国・韓国・日本」
[Title]----------Illustration Studies 23 共同研究報告書「東方のイラストレーションポスター展 中国・韓国・日本」
[Issue] ---------Illustration Studies・Tama Art University
[Design] ---------秋山孝
[Idea] -----------東方を代表する鯉が泳いでいる姿。背中にはそれぞれの日本・中国・韓国の地図。
[Update]-------- 080421 / nakazato / check
[Sozai]2008nakazatofolder_080325folder /
Book Jacket Illustration / NHK Data book Broadcasting of the world 2008
[Theme]---------Book Jacket illustration of "NHK Data book Broadcasting of the world 2008"
[Title]----------"NHK Data book Broadcasting of the world 2008"
[Client] ---------NHK Hoso Bunka Kenkyujo
[Idea] -----------
[Cover Illustration] ---------Takashi AKIYAMA
表紙イラストレーション「NHK データブック 世界の放送2008」
[Theme]---------表紙イラストレーション「NHK データブック 世界の放送2008」
[Title]----------「NHK データブック 世界の放送2008」
[Client] ---------NHK放送文化研究所
[Idea] ----------- 地球が小さくなった。大切なもので弱いものを伝えなければならない。
[Cover Illustration] ---------秋山孝
[Update] --------- 080328 / nakazato / check
Publication "Eco x Design / Japanese Eco Goods Designed By 300 Designers And Artists "
[Magazine title]---------「Eco x Design / Japanese Eco Goods Designed By 300 Designers And Artists」
[Client] ---------Creation Gallery G8 , Guardian Garden
作品掲載「Eco x Design / Japanese Eco Goods Designed By 300 Designers And Artists」
[Magazine title]---------「Eco x Design / Japanese Eco Goods Designed By 300 Designers And Artists」
[Client] ---------クリエイションギャラリーG8、ガーディアンガーデン
[Update] --------- 080328 / nakazato
Publication "all"
[Theme]---------Introduce of Exhibition
[Magazine title]---------"all"
[Title]----------Environmentally - friendly X Design
[Date]-----------2008.01 no.49
[Issue] ---------Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House
雑誌掲載「all 大美術」
[Magazine title]---------「all 大美術」
[Title]----------Environmentally - friendly X Design
[Date]-----------2008.01 no.49
[Issue] ---------上海人民美術出版社
[Update] --------- 080328 / nakazato / check
Publication "New Illustratlators File / Art Box File vol.6 "
[Theme]---------Introduction of Illustrator
[Magazine title]---------"New Illustratlators File / Art Box File vol.6 "
[Issue] ---------ART BOX international Inc.
作品掲載「New イラストレーターズファイル / Art Box File vol.6」
[Magazine title]---------「New イラストレーターズファイル / Art Box File vol.6」
[Issue] ---------株式会社Art Boxインターナショナル
[Comment] ----------イラストレーションは、あくまでもメディアの中で活躍するビジュアル表現のため、その構造を理解するのが困難です。
しかし、イラストレーション表現は 、一目で 理解でき、インターナショナルな視覚言語の役割を持っています。
[Update] --------- 080604 / nakazato / check
Poster Design / Illustration Studies Tama Art University "Art"
[Theme]---------Poster Design / Illustration Studies Tama Art University "Art"
[Title]---------- Illustration Studies Tama Art University "Art"
[Poster Number]---2008-05
[Technique]------1030 x 728 mm , Offset printing
[Idea] -----------The thinking hand. / Back and palm of the hand. (Artery and vein)
[Client] ---------llustration Studies, Tama Art University
[Design] ---------Takashi AKIYAMA
ポスターデザイン/Illustration Studies Tama Art University "Art"
[Theme]---------ポスターデザイン / Illustration Studies Tama Art University "Art"
[Title]----------Illustration Studies Tama Art University "Art"
[Poster Number]---2008-05
[Technique]------1030 x 728 mm , オフセット
[Idea] -----------考える手・表裏(動脈と静脈)
[Client] ---------多摩美術大学llustration Studies
[Category]------- 教育
[Design] ---------秋山孝
2008-05 |
[Update]-------- 080324 / nakazato / check
[Sozai]2008okawarafolder_080311folder /
Poster Design / Think The Earth, Message illustration poster
[Theme]---------Poster Design / Think The Earth, Message illustration poster
[Title]---------- "Think The Earth"
[Poster Number]---2008-03,04
[Technique]------1030 x 728 mm , Offset printing
[Idea] -----------
[Client] ---------llustration Studies, Tama Art University
[Category]-------Message illustration
[Design] ---------Takashi AKIYAMA
ポスターデザイン/Think The Earth, Message illustration poster
[Theme]---------ポスターデザイン / Think The Earth, Message illustration poster
[Title]----------"Think The Earth"
[Poster Number]---2008-03,04
[Technique]------1030 x 728 mm , オフセット
[Idea] -----------私たち人間は地球についてたくさん考えなければならない。
[Client] ---------多摩美術大学llustration Studies
[Design] ---------秋山孝
2008-03 |
2008-04 |
[Update] --------- 080317 / nakazato / check
Publication / Takashi Akiyama's illustration collection book
[Theme]---------Takashi Akiyama's illustration collection book
[Title]----------"The Great Chracters - 11"
[Illustration / Design] ---------Takashi AKIYAMA
出版 / 秋山孝のイラストレーション集
[Book Title]----------"The Great Chracters - 11"
[Illustration / Design] ---------秋山孝
[Update] --------- 080317 / nakazato / check
Poster Design
[Theme]---------Information of entrance from educational institution for the citizens
[Title]----------"Icho-Juku / Hachioji Gakuen Toshi Daigaku(Educational institution for the citizens)"
[Client] ---------Hachioji Gakuen Toshi Center (Tokyo)
[Idea] -----------
[Illustration / Design] ---------Takashi AKIYAMA
[Book Title]----------「八王子学園都市大学いちょう塾・平成20年度前期(4月〜8月)開講講座受講生募集開始」
[Client] ---------八王子学園都市センター
[Idea] -----------
[Illustration / Design] ---------秋山孝
[Items]---------B2ポスター、B3ポスター、 A4パンフレット表紙 、八王子学園都市大学いちょう塾広報・帯デザイン、「ショッパー」受講生募集広告

Poster (B2) / B2ポスター
Poster (B3) / B3ポスター
Advertising /「ショッパー」受講生募集広告
Brochure Jacket (A4) /A4パンフレット表1
Brochure Jacket (A4) /A4パンフレット表4
[Update] --------- 080229 / nakazato / check
[Sozai]hachioujigakuen folder_080207