Monbukagakusho (MEXT) Scholarship

To obtain “a letter of acceptance” as a research student on a Monbukagakusho Scholarship,
you are required to follow the 3 steps below. We only treat embassy recommendations.

  1. Please register from the "Click to Register" button on the bottom of this page.
    ページ下部にある「Click to Register」ボタンからWEB申請してください。
  2. Please attach the copy of all application documents submitted to the Japanese embassy and submit the form by the date assigned by MEXT.
  3. Please check the details of the automatic confirmation e-mail.

Please provide the information using the register button on the bottom of this page and submit any other application documents by E-mail( in any case there is a problem in attaching the documents or by post to the International Exchange Center, Tama Art University.
下記「Click to Register」ボタンからWEB申請する際に、フォームに添付ができない大きなサイズのデータがある場合は、メールもしくは郵送にて多摩美術大学の国際交流センターへ提出してください。

[Cautionary statement] [注意書き]
  1. To enroll from the next academic year, all documents must be submitted by the date assigned from MEXT. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
  2. After your application has been reviewed, we will inform our decision during September. If your application is successful, we will complete the scholarship acceptance form and return it to you through e-mail.
  3. As all classes are held in Japanese, you should study Japanese before coming to Japan.
  4. We first accept a Monbukagakusho scholarship student as a Research Student, but if you wish to enter the Master’s Degree Program or Doctoral Degree Program, you must take the entrance examination in January, as required.
    The examination fee is 35,000 yen, and must be paid in advance. You will be reimbursed only if you pass the examination and also enter our university.
  5. N1 level of JLPT (Japanese-Language Proficiency Test) is required for those who apply to Department of Art Studies.

Documents required:

  1. Your portfolio (A selection of your own works, on paper or PDF. Submitting a URL is not allowed.)
  2. A copy of "A certificate of the preliminary selection issued by a Japanese Embassy or Consulate General"
  3. A copy of all documents submitted to the Japanese Embassy or Consulate General
    (E.g. Application form, Research plan, Official transcript from previous or current university, Attachments etc.)
  4. If available, a copy of your certificate of language proficiency, either in Japanese or English
    (E.g. JLPT, TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS etc.)
    日本語もしくは英語(TOEIC・TOEFL・IELTS 等)の語学能力証明書(取得している場合)

Mailing Address:

Tama Art University International Exchange Center

2-1723 Yarimizu, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo, JAPAN