Outside Scholarships

Japanese Government Scholarships

  • 1. Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students
    Offered by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)
    Stipend per month (for one year): ¥48,000 for undergraduate students
    Eligible students: Students who (1) receive a reservation decision after achieving excellent results in the EJU, (2) enroll as a regular student in a Tama Art University undergraduate within the designated period, (3) be recommended by Tama Art University to JASSO as a reserved student, and receive an approval of acceptance from JASSO, are eligible to receive a study incentive grant. For details, please refer to the JASSO website.
  • 2. Japanese Government Scholarship Program for International Students Applying from within Japan
    Administered by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, this program covers tuition fees and pays a stipend.
    Eligible students: Prospective postgraduate students and Graduate students

Foundation Scholarships

Application procedures will be updated on International Exchange Center blog.

  • 1. Foundation Scholarships Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Foundation, Inc. Scholarship
    Grade of Scholarship recipients: Undergraduates in the third year or above and Graduate students
  • 2. Heiwa Nakajima Foundation Scholarship
  • 3. Horita Scholarship Foundation
  • 4. Kawashima Shoji Memorial Scholarship
  • 5. The Kambayashi Scholarship Foundation
  • 6. Sagawa Scholarship Foundation

For details about above scholarships, please contact International Exchange Center.

International Exchange Center

Inquiry Form

受付時間: 9:00〜17:00 (但し、休暇期間中は除きます)