英語面接提出論文小論文デッサン「人物」60分90分4時間30分■ ■問題 次の英文を読んで、設問に日本語で答えなさい。[1] Morelliʼs innovation was to analyse paintings with a much greater attention to detail than had previously been the case, that is, by examining aspects which were considered unimportant and which the artist was unlikely to have reassessed for each particular painting, such as the rendering of an ear or fi ngernail. On this basis [2] Morelli questioned large numbers of universally accepted attributions. The two protagonists [in Morelliʼs book Italian Painters], examining works in the Uffi zi, provide examples of how this method works, with the Italian reattributing works to Botticelli and Titian, while his Russian pupil reascribes a sheet of drawings in Oxford from Raphael to a Northern master. This last example is argued on the basis of the shape of the thumbnail, ʻwhich we never fi nd in Italian pictures though it frequently occurs in Northern paintings. It resembles a section of an octagon more than anything else, and appears as if it had had three clean cuts with the scissors.ʼ not only a distraction but something which could be positively inimical to a true understanding of the subject. Thus ʻthe history of art can only be studied properly before the works of art themselves. Books are apt to warp a manʼs judgement.ʼ His criticism of reading extends to those who rely on the documentary evidence: [4] if there is a confl ict between it and the physical evidence of the object, ʻthe only true record is the work of art itself.ʼ ʻthe art historian only needs the testimony of a written document to arrive at complete certainty as to the authorship of a paintingʼ; ʻeven to look at a painting irritates themʼ; and ʻIt is absolutely necessary for a man to be a connoisseur before he can become an art historian, and [5] to lay the foundations of his history in the gallery and not in the library.ʼ (from Eric Fernie, “Giovanni Morelli: Italian Painters, 1890,” in Art History and Its Method: A Critical Anthology [London: Phaidon Press, 1995], 104-105. ※必要に応じて原文の一部を省略するなどした。)芸術学専攻<参考> Morelli=ジョヴァンニ・モレッリ(1816-91)。イタリアの美術評論家/美術史家。(1) 下線部[1]を和訳しなさい。(2) 下線部[2]を和訳しなさい。(3) 下線部[3]を和訳しなさい。(4) 下線部[4]を和訳しなさい。(5) 下線部[5]とはどういうことか、本文に基づいてわかりやすく説明しなさい。問題 問題 現在、貴方が感じる社会の中の自画像を描きなさい。そして題名をつけなさい。 条件 注意 絵画専攻日本画研究領域Text (c) 1995 Eric Fernie; reproduced from the title ART HISTORY AND ITS METHODS under licence from the publisherPhaidon Press Limited (UK)Since for Morelli the study of art must be based primarily on the works, [3] he considers reading He parallels these contrasted approaches with the diff erences between connoisseurs and art historians: 「作品」とは何か、考えたことを一二〇〇字以内で自由に述べなさい。・試験中はマスクを外し、与えられたフェイスガードまたは、マウスガードどちらかを着用すること。・与えられた新聞は描いても描かなくても結構です。・題名は与えられた無地の台紙に記入して試験監督の指示があるまで、机の上に置いておいてください。※質問にはお答えできません。※諸事情のため着用しているマスクを外せない方は、試験監督に申し出て、そのまま制作してください。※こちらの内容については、著作権保護のためWEB版での掲載を控えております。冊子版をご覧ください。
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