
(1) 下線部[1]を和訳しなさい。 (2) 下線部[2]を和訳しなさい。 (3) 下線部[3]を和訳しなさい。 (4) 下線部[4]の理由を、わかりやすく説明しなさい。 (5) 下線部[5]を和訳しなさい。157 My choice of colors does not rest on any scienti■c theory; it is based on observation, on feeling, on the experience of my sensibility. [1] Inspired by certain pages of Delacroix, an artist like Signac is preoccupied with complementary colors, and the theoretical knowledge of them will lead him to use a certain tone in a certain place. But I simply try to put down colors which render my sensation. There is an impelling proportion of tones that may lead me to change the shape of a ■gure or to transform my composition. Until I have achieved this proportion in all the parts of the composition, I strive towards it and keep on working. [2] Then a moment comes when all the parts have found their de■nite relationships, and from then on it would be impossible for me to add a stroke to my picture without having to repaint it entirely. [...] What interests me most is neither still life nor landscape, but the human ■gure. It is that which best permits me to express my so-to-speak religious feeling towards life. I do not insist upon all the details of the face, on setting them down one-by-one with anatomical exactitude. [3] If I have an Italian model who at ■rst appearance suggests nothing but a purely animal existence, I nevertheless discover his essential qualities, I discover amid the lines of the face those which suggest the deep gravity that persists in every human being. A work of art must carry within itself its complete significance and impose that upon the beholder even before he recognizes the subject matter. [4] When I see the Giotto frescoes at Padua I do not trouble myself to recognize which scene of the life of Christ I have before me, but I immediately understand the feeling that emerges from it, for it is in the lines, the composition, the color. The title will only serve to con■rm my impression. [5] What I dream of is [...] an art that could be for every mental worker, for the businessman as well as the man of letters, for example, a soothing, calming in■uence on the mind, something like a good armchair that provides relaxation from fatigue.※必要に応じて原文の一部を省略するなどした。MATISSE ON ART edited by Jack Flam. Copyright ©1995 by Jack Flam. English translation copyright ©1995 by Jack Flam.Underlying text and illustrations by Matisse. Copyright © 1995, 1973 by Succession Henri Matisse. (University of California Press) Reprinted by permission of Georges Borchardt, Inc., for Jack Flam. 2022年1月25日(火)実施著作権保護のため掲載を控えております各専攻、研究領域ごとに実施2022年1月25日(火)実施2022年1月25日(火)実施問題   | 次の英文を読んで、設問に日本語で答えなさい。問題   | 「つくる」「考える」「伝える」の関係について、 1,200字以内で論じなさい。各専攻、研究領域ごとに実施芸術学専攻面接提出論文英語 [60分]小論文 [90分]

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