(From Susan Sontag, “On Style,” in Against Interpretation and Other Essays, Penguin/London, 2009, pp.15–16. 〔a〕 It would be hard to find any reputable literary critic today who would care to be caught defending as an idea the old antithesis of style versus content. On this issue a pious consensus prevails. Everyone is quick to avow that style and content are indissoluble, that the strongly individual style of each important writer is an organic aspect of his work and never something merely “decorative.” (1) 下線部 〔a〕を和訳しなさい。 (2) 下線部 〔b〕を和訳しなさい。 (3) 下線部 〔c〕を読み、 この文章で何が問題になっているのか、 自分の言葉で説明しなさい。 (4) 文学批評においてどのようなことが問題になっているのか、本文に基づいて二つ例を挙げなさい。160出典:Excerpt from “On Style” from AGAINST INTERPRETATION by Susan Sontag. Copyright ©1964, 1966, renewed 1994 by Susan Sontag. Reprinted by permission of Farrar, Straus and Giroux. All Rights Reserved. In the practice of criticism, though, the old antithesis lives on, virtually unassailed. 〔b〕 Most of the same critics who disclaim, in passing, the notion that the style is an accessory to content maintain the duality whenever they apply themselves to particular works of literature. It is not so easy, after all, to get unstuck from a distinction that practically hold together the fabric of critical discourse, and serves to perpetuate certain intellectual aims and vested interests which themselves remain unchallenged and would be dif■cult to surrender without a fully articulated working replacement at hand. 〔c〕 In fact, to talk about the style of a particular novel or poem at all as a “style,” without implying, whether one wishes to or not, that style is merely decorative, accessory, is extremely hard. (中略) One way in which the old duality lives on in the practice of criticism, in concrete judgements, the frequency with which quite admirable works of art are defended as good although what is miscalled their style is acknowledged to be crude or careless. Another is the frequency with which a very complex style is regarded with a barely concealed ambivalence. Contemporary writers and other artists with a style that is intricate, hermetic, demanding̶not to speak of “beautiful”̶get their ration of unstinting praise. Still, it is clear that such a style is often felt to be a form of insincerity: evidence of the artistʼs intrusion upon his materials, which should be allowed to deliver themselves in a pure state.必要に応じて原文の一部を省略するなどした。) 2024年1月24日(水)実施著作権保護のため掲載を控えております各専攻、研究領域ごとに実施2024年1月24日(水)実施2024年1月24日(水)実施問題 | 次の英文を読んで、設問に日本語で答えなさい。問題 | 「風土」について、1,200字以内で自由に論じなさい。各専攻、研究領域ごとに実施芸術学専攻英語 [60分]小論文 [90分]面接提出論文
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