
A Message for Tokyo International Mini-Print Triennial 2005

The Tokyo International Mini-Print Triennial, started in 1995 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the foundation of Tama Art University, has marked its 4th exhibition. As a commemorative event to celebrate the 70th anniversary, the 4th exhibition will not only show about 1,800 prints, including selected and awarded pieces from the past 3 triennials, from 81 countries/regions of the world, but also look back on the activity for the past 10 years.

I hope that while today, while homogenization is proceeding in every field, this exhibition has successfully presented a chance to think about global issues, such as internationality provided with regionality, by showing together works given the characteristics of each country or region.

In addition, the exhibition was made possible through the fusion of low and high techniques: the open competition, for which the entries are ubmitted by ordinary mail using the characteristics of print art, and the scholaric data open to the public through the web site. I am sure that the fusion has given rise to a new dimension for the future development of art.

We shall be happy if you see a number of unique works, and experience the artists' refreshing sensitivity and serious attitude to artistic creation.

We would like to extend our deep appreciation to the artists, who agreed with the objective of this exhibition and to exhibit their works, and to the concerned organizations and people for their support and cooperation in making the triennial possible.

Chairman of Board of Directors, 
Tama Art University 

A Message for TIMPT 2005
(Chairman of Board of Directors, Tama Art Univ.)
(Chairman of the Executive Committee)